2023 Parma Company Arena Groomer AGPro
- Year 2023
- Make Parma Company
- Model Arena Groomer
2023 Parma Company Arena Groomer AGPro
The Parma® Arena Groomer® is the best tool your arena will ever need. With one pass of the Parma® Arena Groomer®, your arena will be conditioned to your liking.
See the individual sizes and pages of the Arena Groomer® models for more general information regarding the specifics of each size and model of the Arena Groomer®.
The Parma® Arena Groomer® has 3 simple steps to preparing your arena for excellent use.
The s-tines unearth and plow the soil or arena material. The curvature of the s-tine allows for minimal top pressure as the s-tine works the arena – breaking or ripping up the arena material.
The adjustable smoothing bar levels all valleys or mounds created by the s-tines ripping through the material. It simply knocks down the high spots and fills in the low ones. Last is the roller. Its function is to give the arena a smooth finish. It breaks apart clods and other large material while leaving a semi-compacted and “fluffed” surface. It is also adjustable for preferences in compaction in the arena.
With over 20 years of history, the Parma® Arena Groomer® is the most affordable tool for your arena without compromising a poor surface.